How to Check History of a Website

In this quick start tutorial you will learn about a tool that can help you to check history of a website. It means you can now check how a website actually looks 10 years before.

Wayback Machine, a free online tool that can help you to check how a website looks before. It is provided by the Internet Archive(, a digital library of Internet sites.

Wayback Machine captures snapshots of a URL with a particular date and time and all the snapshots are stored in the Internet Archive digital library which you can check anytime.

How Wayback Machine is Helpful?

  • Checking history of a website.
  • Keeping track of which website is saying what and when.
  • Checking history before buying a domain.
  • Checking when a URL was first live.


To check a history of a URL you just need to enter the URL address in the Wayback Machine and hit enter. All the stored snapshots with the URL become available for you.


The snapshots will appear in a calendar view maps to explore by a particular year, month, date, and time.

You just need to hover on a particular date and click on a snapshot link that you want to check. Wayback Machine will load the history of the site of that snapshot time.


Keep in mind, the maps only represents how many times the URL is crawled and not the number of times the site is actually updated.