How to Get your Website on Top of Google Search

Hi there! Sukanta is here to help you with some easy-peasy guides to get your website on top of Google searches.

Ranking a website faster on Google is easy. Really?

You may be one who already listened to tons of advice from those self-called gurus.

You need to invest a lot in design. You need to write lengthy content. You need to build a lot of backlinks to your site. You need to be a hero from the start…Bla bla bla….

Ohhh…Please stop.

And what about expired domains?

A big no from me. I’ve seen many of these lost in the ocean after those unethical investments.

I don’t want to waste your precious time making you read a lengthy guru-based post where a bunch of paid tools (unnecessary investment that costs you more than profit) are recommended to create some absolutely bloated business from the start.

Here are my experiences…

My easy-peasy guide on how to get your website to the top of Google search

If you are a business

  • Build your website with a lightweight theme and give it a clean and decent design
  • Create a Menu that can help to jump into your important resources
  • Write content that speak some kind of guarantee (Like; “Get ready to experience the best pizza in California” sounds better than “We provide the best pizza in California”)
  • You can use keywords in your pages that people use to search
  • Add call to action button(multiple is better) on your pages
  • Create interlinking between your pages
  • Create an About page (Don’t shy to include your photo and a description about you)
  • Create a clean contact page with your business name, email, phone and address or maybe a contact form
  • Make sure your website is optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile
  • You can create a blog section to promote your product/services through blog posts and share those on social media

If you are a Blogger

  • Build your website with a good theme and give it a decent design
  • Create a Menu that can help to jump into your resources
  • Make your important pages accessible from one place
  • Be unique, create helpful and shareable posts
  • Create interlinking between posts
  • Keep author photo and author description at the end of your posts
  • You can use keywords in your posts that people use to search
  • Create an About page, place your photo and say some words about yourself, also can link to your social profile
  • Create a clean contact page with email or contact form
  • Share your posts on social media
  • Don’t put a bunch of Amazon links or any affiliate links right from the start
  • Last but not the least, apply your common sense to do these all

Now what about Content?

Content is king.


I’m already frustrated with this phrase.

Yes! Yes! Yes!. I agree with it.

But, stop creating soulless content.

And remember, your audience loves to see your real face, not an avatar or robot.

Yes! You got me right I’m talking about AI.

Are you gonna read an AI-written book for your exam or a book from any renowned author?

I know you still wanna go for the AI side. Go for it and wait until the penalty. 🙂

Note: Not all AI-generated content is BAD!

Anyway, what kit and tools do I recommend to get your website on top of Google search?

  • A good domain registrar, powerful web hosting and a lightweight theme are great to start.
  • Use tools like Google Search Console (to monitor search results for queries), Google Analytics( to understand your customer) and Google Keyword Planner (for Keyword Research).
  • Of course, there are other important tools for branding, content marketing, and off-page SEO(quality backlinks) I recommend as well but the first two lists of kits/tools above are my general recommendations for a kick-start.

In the end,

You can rank your website on Google in a couple of months, it’s just applying your common sense while designing a site, creating content, and marketing it.

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