How to Secure Wordpress Site – Basic Wordpress Security


Interested in Learning WordPress Security?

In this guide you will learn all the basics to secure WordPress site following some common security practices.

Although securing a WordPress site is important and essential nowadays, it can be challenging. But if you follow the simple guidelines described in this post you can easily achieve your WordPress site’s basic security.

Let’s Start.

1. Keep WordPress, Plugins, & Themes updated

Most of the attacks on the WordPress sites happen due to using of backdated WordPress Core Files, Plugins, and Themes.

It is highly recommended to keep your WordPress, Plugins, and Themes Updated.

2. Install a plugin which is highly trusted and regularly updating

Installing plugins from unauthenticated sources or plugins which are not getting updated for a long time can be dangerous for your site’s security.

If you are looking for a plugin that can fulfill your requirement then install and use only trusted plugins from WordPress plugins directory.

3. Remove all unused or deactivated plugins

Sometimes it has been seen that WordPress users keep unused plugins on their site which might be a huge security risk. If you have deactivated and not using a plugin for a long time then it is best to delete those from your site.

4. Keep regular backup of your site

Backing up your WordPress site is a peace of mind because when you keep regular backup of your WordPress site, files and databases you will never lose anything even your site gets hacked.

5. Use strong password for user accounts

Using a strong and secure password for your WordPress account is one of the most important steps to your WordPress site security. Keep your password as long as possible and use a combination of Capital Letters, Small Letters, Special Symbols, and Numbers in your password.

6. Use SSL

SSL certificates play a big role to your WordPress site security. SSL certificates will help your site to transfer data within an encrypted environment and enable your site to serve content through https.

If you want to ask anything about basic Wordpress security mention them in the comment below.